V’s speech is recognized by the analysts at Smith Change the World Incorporated as one of the most influential speeches of the near future.
1 | Good evening, London. |
”Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power" ("V for Vendetta (Film)”).
- Comparable to the Thought Police in 1984 or the Gestapo from Nazi Germany. Both used force to create submission, but both powers feared words more than anything else. The fought to destroy any writings that conflicted with beliefs.
- The Department of Homeland Security in Little Brother uses force in order to create control over the city of San Francisco. Marcus realizes that words do indeed have more power than brute force, thus manipulating the Xnet in a form of nonviolent protest. Gandhi used the same tactics in his protest against Great Britain, he is quoted, “Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.” (“V for Vendetta (Film)”)
”And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission" ("V for Vendetta (Film)”).
- As in both Little Brother and 1984, the ability to think or reject is removed by the government. Both are then replaced with, “censors and systems of surveillance” (“V for Vendetta (Film)”).
- The “soliciting” of and individual’s submission is a main theme in 1984, as Winston find himself “solicited” by Big Brother. The posters and telescreens are constant reminders of his presence, and as Winston says, “The presence of Big Brother was not just known, you were reminded of it ever time you walked outside your home” (Orwell, 1984, 101).
”if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror." ("V for Vendetta (Film)”)
- During the collapse of societies, there is always the attempt to create a scapegoat. Usually the scapegoat is the minorities of the community. An example of this would be in Hitler’s Germany. Hitler was able to create an accepted blame on the Jews for the depression, and used the support behind the scapegoat in order to rise to power. After Hitler had been defeated, many citizen of Germany claimed that they had no idea of what was happening to the Jews and other minorities in their society. Yet, they were just blinded by their faith in Hitler and were unable to blame themselves.
- In society today, people look for someone to blame for economic, social, and political problems. All of these problems are cause by each and every individual in the society. Whether it be overspending, close-mindedness, or even the lack of participation in a democratic government.
”His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives." ("V for Vendetta (Film)”)
- Regardless of how much censorship is implemented on a society, fairness, justice, and freedom will be everlasting. Perspectives cannot be destroyed and cannot be forgotten.